Daphne Yunjing Liu, Ph.D.
My research centers around emotion regulation, psychopathology, and romantic relationships. Since my graduate training at Washington University in St. Louis (mentor: Dr. Renee Thompson), I pursued several lines of research, including how individuals with current and remitted major depressive disorder experience and regulate emotion differently compared to those without a history of psychiatric disorders. I have also conducted research on interpersonal emotion regulation, how people regulate their own and others’ emotions in social contexts (e.g., how spouses regulate each other’s emotions), in both laboratory and naturalistic settings. More recently, my research has focused more on romantic relationships and mental health among various traditionally underserved populations, including sexual and gender minority individuals and couples as well as racially and ethnically minoritized and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Besides these lines of research, I am involved in a global health research team at Emory University, examining the well-being of and mental health interventions for healthcare professionals in China.
Statistical analysis skills: I am dedicated to advancing my quantitative and programming skills. My background in computer science and completion of advanced statistics courses (e.g., hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling) have laid a strong foundation for my statistical and programming knowledge and skills. I obtained my graduate program’s Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Data Analysis. Additionally, my experience sampling research has afforded me extensive opportunities to conduct multilevel modeling analyses as well as to apply other complex analyses to multilevel data (e.g., Bayesian analyses, factor analyses). I am familiar with several statistical softwares, including SPSS, R, JMP, and Mplus.
News & Media
​​Sung, A. (2023, September). A little help from our loved ones: Everyday interpersonal emotion regulation in depression. Society for Affective Science Issue 4 - Science Feature 1. Retrieved from https://society-for-affective-science.org/issue-4-science-feature-1/
Woolston, C. (2023, July). People experiencing depression actively fight to manage their emotions. Ampersand. Retrieved from https://artsci.wustl.edu/ampersand/people-experiencing-depression-actively-fight-manage-their-emotions
Jefferson, B. (2021, December). How do others help us regulate emotions? The Source. Retrieved from https://source.wustl.edu/2021/12/how-do-others-help-us-regulate-emotions
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Luginbeuhl, T., Liu, D. Y., Miller, J. V., & Davila, J. (in press). Romantic Relationships and Depression. APA Handbook of Depression. American Psychological Association.
Thompson, R. J., Liu, D. Y., & Lai, J. (2024). What predicts the initiation and outcomes of interpersonal emotion regulation in everyday life? Motivation and Emotion. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-024-10089-8
Liu, D. Y., Strube, M. J., & Thompson, R. J. (2024). Do emotion regulation difficulties in depression extend to social context? Everyday interpersonal emotion regulation in current and remitted major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. 133(1), 61–75. https://doi.org/10.1037/abn0000877 pdf
Zhang, S., Liu, D. Y., Bai, J., Fu, J.-C., Jiang, F., Nehl, E., Liu, H., Liu, Y., Zhang, C., Tang, Y.-L., & Kaslow, N. J. (2024). Psychological effects of trauma, negative and positive coping, resilience, and psychological distress of Chinese healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 5, 100046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjmad.2023.100046
Liu, D. Y., Springstein, T., Tuck, A. B., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2024). Are depressed people motivated to change how they feel? An experience sampling study of emotion regulation goals and motives in current and remitted major depressive disorder. (Top ranked abstracts from the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science). Affective Science.
Liu, D. Y., Springstein, T., Tuck, A. B., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2023). Everyday emotion regulation goals, motives, and strategies in current and remitted major depressive disorder: An experience sampling study. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 132(5), 594-609. https://doi.org/10.1037/abn0000831 pdf
Freitag, S., Au, J. S., Liu, D. Y., Mekawi, Y., & Lamis, D. A. (2023). Do bipolar disorder symptom profiles matter for suicide risk? A latent class approach to investigating differences in suicidal desire and acquired capability. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/sltb.13013 pdf
Liu, D. Y. & Thompson, R. J. (2023). Do individuals with current and remitted major depression benefit from interpersonal emotion regulation? An experience sampling study. (Abstracts from the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science_Emotion Regulation). Affective Science, 4, 191-198. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-022-00172-z pdf
Liu, D. Y., Strube, M. J., & Thompson, R. (2022). Age differences in interpersonal emotion regulation seeking behaviors in everyday life. (Top ranked abstracts from the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science). Affective Science, 3, 273-289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-021-00071-9 pdf
Zhang, L., Li, M., Yang, Y., Xia, L., Min, K., Liu, T., Liu, Y., Kaslow, N. J., Liu, D. Y., Tang, Y.-L., Jiang, F., & Liu, H. (2022). Gender differences in the experience of burnout and its correlates among Chinese psychiatric nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A large sample nationwide survey. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(6), 1480-1491. https://doi.org/10.1111/inm.13052 pdf
Yang, Y., Zhang, L., Li, M., Wu, X., Xia, L., Liu, D. Y., Liu T., Liu, Y., Jiang, F., Tang Y.-L., Liu, H., & Kaslow, N. J. (2022). Turnover intention and its associated factors among psychiatrists in 41 tertiary hospitals in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 899358. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.8993 pdf
Liu, D. Y., Strube, M. J., & Thompson, R. J. (2021). Interpersonal emotion regulation: An experience sampling study. Affective Science, 2, 273–288. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-021-00044-y pdf
Thompson, R. J., Liu, D. Y., Sudit, E., & Boden, M. T. (2021). Emotion differentiation in current and remitted Major Depressive Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 685851. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685851 pdf
Liu, D. Y., Gilbert, K., & Thompson, R. J. (2020). Emotion differentiation moderates the effects of rumination on depression: A longitudinal study. Emotion, 20(7), 1234-1243. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000627 pdf
Liu, D. Y., & Thompson, R. J. (2017). Selection and implementation of emotion regulation strategies in major depressive disorder: An integrative review. Clinical Psychology Review, 57, 183-194. https://doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2017.07.004 pdf
Manuscripts Under Review or in Preparation
​Liu, D. Y.+, Berkowitz, A.+, English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (revision under review). How might interpersonal emotion regulation shape well-being? A naturalistic investigation of its impact on subsequent affect and intrinsic emotion regulation. Emotion.
+Equal contribution (co-first authors)
Perry, N. S., Liu, D. Y., Harlan, D., Miller, J. V., & Rhoades, G. K. (under review). After Obergefell: Legally married status is associated with lower depressive symptoms among cisgender sexual minority couples.
Liu, D. Y., Rhoades, G. K., Davis, E. P., Perry, N. S., & Demers, C. (in prep). Virtual versus In-person delivery of the ROSE postpartum depression program: A randomized controlled trial protocol.
Chapman, C., Liu, D. Y., Stanley, S. M., & Rhoades, G. K. (in prep). Thinking about moving in together? The moderating effects of reasons for cohabitation on the longitudinal trajectories of relationship functioning.
Lai, J., Liu, D. Y., Eckland, N. S., & Thompson, R. J. (in prep). Examining emotion beliefs in daily life and their links to emotion experiences and regulation.
Berkowitz, A. W., Liu, D. Y., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (in prep). Looking beyond the means and into momentary dynamics: Associations between momentary affect and emotion regulation strategy use in major depressive disorder.
Le, Y., Lee, J., Liu, D. Y., Perry, N. S, Rhoades, G. K. (in prep). Intervention needs and gains associated with social and economic disadvantage: Findings from the impact study of MotherWise.
Zhang, S., Oh, S. J., Tang, Y.-L, Nehl, E., Bai, J., Liu, D. Y., Fu, J.-C., Jiang, F., Liu, H., Zhang, C. & Kaslow, N. J. (under review). Wellness program preferences and associated factors among Chinese healthcare workers during the pandemic.
Conference Research Presentations
Upcoming presentations:
Berkowitz, A. W., Liu, D. Y., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2024, October). Momentary associations between emotion regulation strategy use and positive affect in major depressive disorder [Poster presentation]. The Society for Research in Psychopathology 2024 Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Le, Y., Liu, D. Y., Rhoades, G. K., & Stanley, S. M. (2024, November). Prospective associations of prenatal relationship happiness and postpartum depression among at-risk low-income couples. In A. K. Wojda-Burlij (Chair), Love among the margins: A critical examination of individual and relationship functioning within traditionally under-represented couples [Symposium]. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Chapman, C., Liu, D. Y., Miller, J. V., Stanley, S. M., & Rhoades, G. K. (2024, November). Thinking about moving in together? How reasons for cohabitation are associated with relationship quality over time. In Brunett, K. M. & Gates, M. (Co-Chairs), ABCT Couples SIG Student Symposium: Minority Stress and Relationship Functioning [Symposium]. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Harlan, D., Liu, D. Y., Miller, J. V., Perry, N. S. (2024, November). After Obergefell: Associations between marital status and depressive symptoms among cisgender sexual minority couples. In Perry, N. S. (Chair), Identifying modifiable relationship factors to strengthen development and dissemination of health-focused interventions for sexual and gender minority people. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Past presentations:
Liu, D. Y., Springstein, T., Tuck, A. B., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2024, June). Looking beyond the means and into momentary dynamics: Associations between momentary affect and emotion regulation frequency and strategy use in major depressive disorder in everyday life [Individual Paper Oral Presentation]. The 2024 Conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Chapman, C., Liu, D. Y., Miller, J. V., Le, Y., & Rhoades, G. K. (2024, July). Longitudinal associations between adolescent romantic involvement and internalizing symptoms [Poster presentation]. The 2024 International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
Le, Y., Lee, J., Liu, D. Y., Perry, N. S., & Rhoades, G. K. (2024, July). Sociodemographic disadvantage associated with intervention needs and gains: Findings from the impact study of MotherWise [Oral presentation]. The 2024 International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
Berkowitz, A. W., Liu, D. Y., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2024, April). Interpersonal emotion regulation engagement and successive intrapersonal and interpersonal emotion regulation strategy choice in daily life [Poster presentation]. The 2024 Anxiety and Depression Association of America Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
Chapman, C., Liu, D. Y., Miller, J. V., Stanley, S. M., & Rhoades, G. K. (2024, April). Thinking about moving in together? The moderating effects of reasons for cohabitation on the longitudinal trajectories of relationship functioning [Oral presentation]. The 2024 Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO, USA.
* Top ranked research abstract selected for oral presentation
Vuksanovich, P., Alamo, A., Liu, D. Y., Demers, C. Perry, N. S., Rhoades, G. K., Davis, E. P. (2024, April). We love La Luz! Program perceptions of the La Luz postpartum depression group program among English- and Spanish-speaking pregnant individuals. The 2024 Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO, USA.
Liu, D. Y. (2024, March). Interpersonal emotion regulation in depression: Characteristics, benefits, and implications. [Invited Awards Symposia Talk]. The 2024 Society for Affective Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.
*Invited to present at the Awards Symposia for winning the 2023 SAS Best Dissertation Award
Liu, D. Y., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2024, March). Where might emotion regulation go awry in adults with major depressive disorder in daily life? Associations between momentary positive affect and emotion regulation strategy use [Poster presentation]. The 2024 Society for Affective Science Emotion Regulation Pre-Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Thompson, R. J., Liu, D. Y., & Lai, J. (2024, March). Using a multilevel approach to predict the initiation and outcomes of interpersonal emotion regulation in everyday life. In Tamir, M. & Hu, D. (Co-Chairs), Initiating emotion regulation in daily life [Symposium]. The 2024 Society for Affective Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Lai, J., Liu, D. Y., Eckland, N. S., & Thompson, R. J. (2024, March). Examining emotion beliefs in daily life and their links to emotion experiences and regulation. In Thompson, R. J., & Lai, J. (Co-Chairs), Emotion research on emotion beliefs: Bridging work in various domains examining affect and emotion appraisals [Symposium]. Research abstract submitted for the 2024 Society for Affective Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Liu, D. Y., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2023, November). Where might emotion regulation go awry in adults with major depressive disorder in everyday life? Associations between positive affect and emotion regulation strategy use. In Clayton, M. (Chair), Harnessing ecological momentary assessment methods to elucidate emotion regulation skills use in anxiety and mood disorders [Symposium]. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 57th Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, USA.
Liu, D. Y., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (2023, November). Where might emotion regulation go awry in adults with major depressive disorder in everyday life? Associations between positive affect and emotion regulation strategy use. In Clayton, M. (Chair), Harnessing ecological momentary assessment methods to elucidate emotion regulation skills use in anxiety and mood disorders [Symposium]. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 57th Annual Convention, Seattle, WA, USA.
Liu, D. Y., Strube, M. J., & Thompson, R. J. (2023, September). How much do depressed adults utilize and benefit from social resources to regulate emotion? An experience sampling study of interpersonal emotion regulation in major depressive disorder. In Nook, E. & Thompson, R. J. (Co-Chairs), The role of interpersonal affective processes in internalizing psychopathology [Symposium]. The Society for Research in Psychopathology 2023 Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Liu, D. Y., Springstein, T., Tuck, A. B., English, T., & Thompson, R. J. (March, 2023). Are depressed people motivated to change how they feel? An experience sampling study of emotion regulation goals and motives in current and remitted major depressive disorder. Thematic flash talk given at the Society for Affective Science Conference, Long Beach, CA
*Top ranked research abstract selected for oral presentation and publication in Affective Science
Kleinman, M. E., Liu, D. Y. & Thompson, R. J. (September, 2022). Comparison of interpersonal emotion regulation goals and strategies in adults with major depressive disorder and healthy controls. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Liu, D. Y. & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2022). Do individuals with current and remitted major depression benefit from interpersonal emotion regulation? An experience sampling study. Thematic flash talk given virtually at the Society for Affective Science Conference.
*Top ranked research abstract selected for oral presentation and publication in Affective Science
Tuck, A. B., Liu, D. Y., Springstein, T., English T., & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2022). Everyday emotion regulation goals, motives, and strategies in current and remitted major depressive disorder: An experience sampling study. Research poster presented virtually at the Society for Affective Science Conference.
Liu, D. Y. & Thompson, R. J. (September, 2021). Do individuals with current and remitted major depression benefit from interpersonal emotion regulation? An experience sampling study. Research poster presented virtually at the Society for Research in Psychopathology Conference.
Liu, D. Y., Strube, M. J., & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2021). Age differences in interpersonal emotion regulation seeking behaviors in everyday life. Thematic flash talk given virtually at the Society for Affective Science Conference.
*Top ranked research abstract selected for oral presentation and publication in Affective Science
Liu, D. Y., & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2020). What really matters in interpersonal emotion regulation: Strategy or warmth? Thematic flash talk given virtually at the Society for Affective Science Conference.
*Top ranked research abstract selected for oral presentation
Tuck, A. B., Liu, D. Y., & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2020). Interpersonal emotion regulation in individuals with current and remitted major depressive disorder. Research poster presented virtually at the Society for Affective Science Conference.
Liu, D. Y., & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2019). How interpersonal emotion regulation in everyday life varies based on gender: An experience sampling study. Thematic flash talk given at the Society for Affective Science Conference, Boston, MA.
*Top ranked research abstract selected for oral presentation
Liu, D. Y., Gilbert, K. E., & Thompson, R. J. (September, 2018). Emotion differentiation moderates the effect of rumination on depression: A longitudinal study. Research poster presentation given at the Society for Research in Psychopathology Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Liu, D. Y., & Thompson, R. J. (April, 2018). Does rumination always predict increases in depression? The moderating effect of emotion differentiation. Research poster presented at the Society for Affective Sciences. Los Angeles, CA.
Liu, D. Y., & Thompson, R. J. (July, 2017). Selection and implementation of emotion regulation strategies in major depressive disorder: An integrative review. Symposium talk given at the International Society for Research on Emotion Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Liu, D. Y., Zisook, S., Weingart, K., & Young, I. (May, 2015). Social contact and cross-cultural adjustment of Asian international students. Symposium talk given at the Stanford Annual Undergraduate Psychology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Liu, D. Y., Zisook, S., Weingart, K., & Young, I. (April, 2015). Social contact and cross-cultural adjustment of Asian international students. Symposium talk given at the UC San Diego Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. San Diego, CA.